MOEUN VIN is 12 years old, studying at grade 6 at CHUM TEAV Primary School, which locates at CHRES commune, KAMPONG TRALACH district, KAMPONG CHHNANG province. VIN is the 2nd child of her family that has six members; VIN’s mother passed away 3 years ago. VIN’s father has no job except small farmland that cannot support the daily life of the family and they live in poverty. VIN as 2nd child of the family has, after school time, to find job such as cultivation or does other works to get income to support the family and buy study material. VIN, though living in the poor family, whose mother passed away, has not given up her study; she studies hard, obeys school regulation, teachers and makes good relation with classmates.

MOEUN VIN is a hard studying student and wishes to be a teacher at her community; VIN really need scholarship donation or support for her study. I, in the name of school management, would like to request charitable Japanese to support MOEUN VIN’s study so that she can get off from poverty via education support.


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