Education is free in Cambodia, the state provides many elements of education, but the burden still falls on parents or guardians to provide a large amount of the costs associated with accessing education such as start up cost, daily cost, school fee as well as additional cost. This matter is one of the reasons to cause many children at rural area have lack of change to continue their study, because a majority of Cambodian population live rural area and engage in agriculture basing on natural condition, thus they have faced with poor living situation and causing children to quit study to help family. CHEON YIN is 16 years old, studies at grade 6 at TOUL VIHEAR primary school, which locates at TEUK PHOS district, Kampong Chhnang Province. YIN is a clever student who is 3 among 37 students in her class; she wishes to be a teacher of primary school. CHEON YIN has five siblings and she is the third daughter of the family living in a cottage where about 10km from school without access road. YIN’s elder sister quit her study at grade 7 and elder brother quit his study at grade 6, because of family’s poor living situation. YIN will graduate primary education this year and will continue to junior high school next academic year; she may face with the situation as her elder sister and brother if the situation of her family becomes harder; she is a vulnerable children to quit her study if there is no support. Majority of Cambodian children living at the rural area from the economically disadvantaged family have to work after school time, Sunday and holiday so that to survive day by day; it is quite deferent from children from the economically advantaged family; they can take relax, visit resort area, access to additional course and get warm comfort from their family. Children from the poor family have lack chance for education; they are the vulnerable children to quit their study due to poverty; poverty is the enemy to destroy their future. To help building bright future for poor Cambodian children is to provide them with education support; to provide education support is to donate them wisdom; it is valuable treasure for human. |