Student Stories

OM SREY NECH is 12 years old, studying at grade 7 at CHIBACHRO Lower Secondary School, which locates at Saray Andeth village, Chres commune, Kampong Trolach district, Kampong Chhnang province.

My parents were divorced few years ago, when my father fail sick. My father’s body has permanently vibrated, especially his both hands; he moved to live in a cottage nearby his brother and sister’s homes after getting divorce. I, as my father fail sick and could not work, felt sorry for him because he is sick and could not work and I decided to live with him to take care of him. I have faced with difficult living situation because my family has almost got no income and we have been fed by my grandmother, aunt and uncle; they are also poor.
My father could not work to get income, but he could do light work such as raising chicken; we made our living with raising chicken and rice cultivating on a small farmland; we have only 3 chicken. The rice cultivation provided poor product that could support my family from 3 to 4 months only; we live in hard situation. I have also involved in finding money to support my family; I worked for my aunt and uncle’s families at the farm when school was on holiday during cultivating and harvesting seasons, but the working period was too short, about 4 to 5 days and I got total income of 7,500Riel (US$1.87). I sometime visited my mother and she gave me 5,000Riel (US$1.25) for going to school.
SREY NECH’s father Mr. OM HEIY said that” I cannot work to get income to support my family, I can do light work at home such as raising hen, but I have only 3 hens; my living situation is very worst. My family’s living situation has based on my brother, sister and mother; they are poor; I feel very sorry for my daughter and would like to request the donor to continue support her with scholarship.

I go to school every day because I like studying; I wish to study until to complete grade and want to be a teacher of lower secondary education. I do not know I can study until to complete grade 12, because my family is very poor, but if somebody or organization supports me, I can continue my study until to complete grade 12. I wish to take English private class so that to improve it before I go to high grade; the tuition fee is 300Riel (US$0.075). I do not have money to study. I used to take English private class for a short period, and then I stopped it because of shortage of money; I like to study English.
I go to school every day with almost no money to buy something to eat at school; sometime my father or grandmother gives me 300Riel (US$0.075); I, with this amount, can buy 3 pieces of candy.
I would like to wish donor good health and happiness and also to request donor to continue support me so that I can continue my study.

The living situation of poor people is almost the same condition throughout Cambodia; they will face with serious condition if the family member falls sick or get accident. They have to sell their properties such as cow and farmland or get loan from the micro financial bank to care the sick; they will face with bad living situation and fall into poverty !

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Cambodia is a developing country with a narrow economic base. The garment, tourism, and construction sectors have been driving economic growth and job creation for Cambodia the last few years while the agricultural sector, which a majority of Cambodians rely on for their livelihoods, remain poor and unstable. Despite several consecutive years of double-digit economic growth, the poverty rate has remained high, especially in rural areas. The growth has only resulted in a reduction in the poverty rate of 1 percent per year and income distribution is notably uneven, which means growth is not well shared among Cambodian people. This poverty is the obstacle for education in Cambodia.
The family of scholar Phem Sovin is one of rural families; Sovin is 10 years old and she studies at grade 5 in Krallanh primary school. Sovin’ s family has five members, mother, widow, and four siblings and she is a third child of her family.
Sovin’s mother said that “It is a heavy burden for me to take care of the whole family and my daughter Sovin also help me to survive the family. I am a worker at shoes factory CANSPORT; I have to work ten hours per day, and get income about US$65 to US$70 per month”.
She added “This amount cannot cover the living condition of my family, thus my daughter Sovin has to help the family to get income to supplement the family’s need. She has to work at weekend and during school holiday as rice harvesting and cultivating with the daily income US$2.5 per day; it is not a regular work that she could work two or three months with average income US$30 to US$40 a year, and moreover she has to do housekeeping after school”.
She said that ”The monthly average expense for my family is about US$200 per month; it is US$40 for rice, US$ 80 for foodstuff, US$10 for medicine, US$30 for children to school and US$50 for others, thus I have to get loan from neighbors to supplement the need every year, and the most worst condition for my family when someone get sickness. Though, my family faces with hard living condition, I do struggle for my son and daughter to study so that they have good future; Sovin wishes to be a professional worker and wishes to work at the garment factory nearby the village, and I also want her to be a professional worker so that she could get high salary; Sovin has to study to complete grade 9 and she has to continue at vocational training school for one or two years to become the professional worker. I do not want my daughter and son to have the same destiny as me, because I finished at grade 3”.

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BRAK SOPHEAP is 12 years old, studying at grade 6 at ANG SEREI Primary School, which locates at THMO ETH commune, KAMPONG TRALACH district, KAMPONG CHHNANG province. SOPHEAP is the 7th son of the family, which has many members, but without job except small farmland that can that cannot support the daily life of the family. SOPHEAP, every day after school time, have to help his family such as to take care of young siblings, to do plantation and also to find job at neighbors’ homes such as harvesting, cultivating so that to get income to support his family and study.
SOPHEAP, thus the family is poor, lack of food and inconvenient home, studies hard; he goes to school regularly. SOPHEAP is a good student, good child and one of the clever students. He always help his friends and classmates and obeys school regulation.
SOPHEA, though living in poverty, studies hard and wishes to study faculty of agronomy.

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MOEUN VIN is 12 years old, studying at grade 6 at CHUM TEAV Primary School, which locates at CHRES commune, KAMPONG TRALACH district, KAMPONG CHHNANG province. VIN is the 2nd child of her family that has six members; VIN’s mother passed away 3 years ago. VIN’s father has no job except small farmland that cannot support the daily life of the family and they live in poverty. VIN as 2nd child of the family has, after school time, to find job such as cultivation or does other works to get income to support the family and buy study material. VIN, though living in the poor family, whose mother passed away, has not given up her study; she studies hard, obeys school regulation, teachers and makes good relation with classmates.

MOEUN VIN is a hard studying student and wishes to be a teacher at her community; VIN really need scholarship donation or support for her study. I, in the name of school management, would like to request charitable Japanese to support MOEUN VIN’s study so that she can get off from poverty via education support.

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Child’s right to access education is a universal human right, but however, a large number of rural children have lack of chance to access education at least of 9 years of schooling; it is due to the parents’ perception of the value of education, own education attainment and economic situation.

Education is free in Cambodia, but the heavy burden still falls on parents or guardians to provide a large amount of the costs associated with accessing education such as starting, daily and additional costs. These costs can seem negligible, when added together; they can pose an insurmountable barrier for the family, thus decision about whether to keep children in or out of school are easier to make if there is an additional economic strain on the parents to keep their children in school.

REN SARAK, one of the rural students,  12 years old, living at TEUK PHOS district, KAMPONG CHHNANG province; he will graduate primary education in this academic year 2015-2016 and continue to junior high school next academic year; SARAK’s dream is to be a teacher.

REN SARAK’s mother passed away and his father got late wife, and abandoned the children.

SARAK has three siblings, elder sister and younger brother, and he is the second child of the family; they have lived with grandmother in a poor cottage.

SARAK’s elder sister, due to hard living situation, decided to drop out her study at M1 to find job to support the family; she has sent money to her 120,000Riel(U$30) per month. SARAK, as the money sent from elder sister cannot support the living condition, has to find job after school time and on holiday; he finds vegetables, fish and so on with small income about 5,000R (U$1.25) per day and it is not regular.

SARAK’s grandmother said that” SARAK will go to junior high school, where about 6km from home; I do not know how to support him to go to junior high school, because the school is far and he need bicycle”.   

Many rural children have faced families’ living situation and together with poverty casing low enrolment and high dropout at secondary education; the gross enrolment at lower secondary education was 53.5% and the dropout rate was 21.2%, reported Ministry of Education 2015.

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Education situation at Trapeang Ropov Junior High School, which locates Trapeang Ropov village, Preak Thnoat commune, Tuek Chhou district, Kampot province, has faced with  some obstacles for education enhancement and enrichment and  dropout. Student’s dropout  is also one of the main challenging issues for the school; the critical reason of this circumstance is families’ economics condition; their main business or career in area is fishing. Fishing requires at least two persons; some families, due to lack of manpower, need their children help fishing so that to get income for the daily living; this often makes children have to skip their class.

From day-to-day, number of skipping is accumulated and some students lose intention and desire for schooling, are afraid or ashamed of going to school, cannot catch up the lesson and concentrate only on how could they fish and find money to support family; finally, dropout becomes their choice and dealing with dropout also comes to be school problem.

Fortunately, this problem has been better while the present of EDF Scholarship Program has started to Kampot; the  scholarship has been provided to the poor children who are starving to study and intend to change and develop their future through education and it also encourages teachers be easier in teaching as well.

For the real fact, Surng Sreimom, an 8th grade student and 17 years-old schoolgirl, is benefiting from this program; her father Mr. Mom Surng, was dead of disease since she was a young and her mother Mrs. Chim Chhaem an 45 years old is working as mate [taking care old lady at one house] in Phnom Penh. She earns USD 50 per month.

Sreimom is the only child in family that has lived with unhealthy grandma that unable to work; Sreimom  is one of outstanding student in class and  likes to study Biology and dream is to be a staff at any NGO.  After class, she normally does house work because her grandma is too old and unhealthy to do those stuffs;  she gets out to work as labor to peel crab’s carapace and claw during weekend and vocations and  normally earns from USD 0.75 – 1.25 per day. Sreimom has nasal disease that brings problem to her lung; she, due to lack of nutrition, used to unconsciousness at school.

Sreimom has struggled with her study so that to achieve her dream; she has never intention to give up her study though her health problem and poor living condition. She said that “EDF scholarship helps my study and encourages me to study until to complete school to achieve my goal”.

EDF scholarship has played important role in education development; it has effectively increased the enrolment of students at this school and retained the students from dropout.

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01:    Scholar’s profile

My name is KEAT LIKA; I am 14 years old. I study at M1 in ROLUS Lower Secondary School, which locates in TEUK CHHUO district, Kampot province; it is about 6.7km form her home.

I have  5 siblings, 3 females and 2 males and I am the  youngest; my mother passed away when I was 4 years old and my  father got new wife and abandoned the children. My mother’ relatives, seeing such situation, adopted me and my brothers and sisters; we have lived separately.

02: KEAT LIKA’s own family

I have two elder brothers and two elder sisters.  






Living Location






Dropped out at P8 (M2)

Koh Kong province



KEAT PHALLA (she is mute)



Dropped out at P3

Phnom Penh

Help aunt’s family





Study at P10 (M3)

Koh Kong province






Study at P9 (M2)

Phnom Penh



My brother has worked hard to get income; he usually sends some money to me and my brother and sister who still study.  

03: KEAT LIKA’s Situation

 I have lived with my uncle and aunt’s family Mr. HENG LOM and Mrs. SENG CHIM; my uncle is 56 years old and aunt is 63 years old. They have six children; four of them married and other two are single and work at garment factory.  My aunt’ s family has half hectare of rice farmland, which the cultivation can be made only one time a year with un-husked rice yield of 1,250kg; this product could support the family only 6 months with 6 persons, thus they have to do plantation such as sugar can on small farmland behind their home and with small support of 200,000 Riel (U$50) from their 2 daughters that work at the garment factory; this amount is for managing the daily living condition. 

I have also involved in finding money to support the family; I during cultivating season, worked at the farm when school holiday, but the working period was too short, about 10 days and the daily income was 5,000 Riel (U$1.25); and during harvesting season, I could work only 4 times, and one time I got 12,000Riels (U$3) as income. I, after cultivating and harvesting seasons, have done house work such as cooking, looking brother and sister “cousins”, take water from the well, washing dresses, thresh rice and so on.

04:    KEAT LIKA’s Education and Desire

I have strong intention in education; I want to study until completion and I want to be a teacher of lower secondary school in my commune. I like to study and I want to study English, too; at school, there is an English lesson program, but only 3 hours a week. I want to English private class that will be begun after school hours, but I do not have money to pay; it is 10,00Riel (U$2.50) a month.  .

05: Uncle and Aunt’s Desire

I and my wife have never forced LIKA to work for income; we have pushed her to study hard. We wish her to study until graduation, but we could not know for sure it is possible or impossible due to our living condition.


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Majority of Cambodian children living at the rural area from the economically disadvantaged family have lack change for education; they are the vulnerable children to quit their study if the living situation of their family become harder such as member of family fall sick, disable or pass away.  

EIM RONG, 14 years old, studies at grade 7 at ROTHMONI KIRIUDOM lower secondary school, which locates at BASEDTH district, KAMPONG SPEU province; RONG has three siblings and RONG is the youngest. RONG’s father passed away by HIV and his mother leaving home then to prevent the discrimination in her commune bringing elder brother at the age of 4 to keep him at children center; she has disappeared.  

RONG and eldest sister have lived with grandparents who have suffered blood pressure, this situation forced his elder sister to quit school at grade 7 to find job at another area; she can send money home 400,000Riel (U$100) every month; it is very small amount for supporting 3 persons per month.

RONG, though living in poverty, goes to school regularly, and wishes to be a teacher at lower secondary school. He, after school time and holiday, has to find job at neighbors’ homes to get income to support his family and study.

RONG, living in such situation, is one of vulnerable students who will quit school if there is no support for his study. 

To help RONG to reach his dream is only to support education for him; to support education is to donate him valuable treasure for human.

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NARY SREY NUCH, 13 years old, studies at grade 7 at ROTHMONY KIRIUDOM Lower Secondary School, which locates at BASEDTH district, KAMPONG SPEU; she likes studying Khmer language and wishes to become a staff of non-governmental organization.

SREY NUCH’s family is like the other families at the rural area that most parents have to migrate to find job at the neighboring country Thailand after the cultivation so that to get additional incomes to support the family as well as to support children to go to school.

SREY NUCH said that: I have felt comfort and hopeful that there  will be no obstacle for my study and my dream will become true; I want to work for the non-governmental organization so that to help developing the rural area, but everything has gone away; I feel disappointed and discourage, because my father and mother passed away because of traffic accident in Thailand last year.

She added that: I and my younger brother live with my grandmother and my youngest sister lives with my aunt; I don’t know how about my study, because I grandparents have no job, except rice farming and my grandmother has poor health. I want to study and want to work at the non-governmental origination.

SREY NUCH, in such situation, has faced with problem for her study; she really need support for her study.

To help building bright future for SREY NUCH is to support her study; to provide education support is to donate her wisdom; it is a valuable treasure for human.

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One of the biggest problems cited in education in Cambodia is low survival rate of secondary education; the education statistic in 2016 - 2017 indicated that the net enrollment at primary education was 93.5% and gross enrollment at lower secondary education was 55.5% and at upper education was 25.1%; and the dropout rate at primary education was 4.6%, at lower secondary education was 17.0% and at upper education was 19.4%.

The reason of survival rate at secondary education is because of the location between school and students ‘homes is far; it is about 50% to 60% of student having far home. Transportation means “Bicycle”, as there is no public transport service at the rural area, is very important for rural student.
Bicycle, in Cambodia, has been considered as important transportation means for rural students who graduated primary school and wished to continue to secondary schools, which locates far from home, and it will be the important equipment in serving the daily living situation of students and their families.

IM NY,14 years old and his brother IM DEN, 12 years old wake up at 4;30 morning and walk to school where about 8km from school; his family could not support him a bicycle. Both students
could not come to school on time.  

Walking to and from far school is not only tiring and time consuming, but also seriously impacts the study of student; students may not concentrate on study or may not struggle in study.

To support bicycle to students from the poor and disadvantaged families in the rural area will not only to promote the enrolment and retention of students in  lower secondary education, but will also encourage them to continue to upper secondary; it will also contribute to the poverty reduction of the rural people.

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Education is free in Cambodia, but the heavy burden still falls on parents to provide a large amount of the costs associated with accessing education such as buying study material, uniform meal and so on; these costs can seem negligible, when added together; they can pose an insurmountable barrier for the family, thus decision about whether to keep children in or out of school are easier to make if there is an additional economic strain on the parents to keep their children in school.

CHOUN SOPHORN, 14 years old, studies at grade 8; she has two siblings and she is the eldest of the family. SOPHORN’s family has no farmland; her family makes the daily living by catching fish, crap and vegetable in the rice field with very small income that cannot support the daily living, thus her family has to get loan from neighbors and refunds in labor as cultivating and harvesting. 

SOPHORN, on holiday, often to find job nearby her village to that to get income for her study and family; she said that: I can continue my study, because I get scholarship, if no scholarship I may not able to continue my study. SOPHORN wishes to a teacher.

Most Cambodian children at the rural area have faced with such situation as SOPHORN,

thus the enrolment at secondary education is annually low and the dropout is high; the dropout rate at lower secondary education is 17.0% and at upper secondary education is 19.4% in 2016.

Education support effectively contributes to the education development as well as to reduce the poverty of the rural people; it effectively increases and retains the enrollment of students at secondary education. 

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In Cambodia, access to access education is a significant gender issue, especially for the poor and in the rural areas, with far fewer females than males benefiting from education. The gender gap increases with levels of schooling and is especially pronounced from lower survival rates than boys; girls are also significantly in technical and higher education. This is the result of combination of social, cultural and economic factors.

On important reason for the under-representation of girls in secondary and higher education is related to access.  Only a limited number of villages have secondary schools, so attendance means travelling long distance; boys have the option of staying nearby pagoda, but so separate dormitories are provided for girls; girls, in brief, have fewer educational opportunities.

Ms. VIN SOKDAVAN, student of secondary school said that” My home is about 20km from school with difficult access road, especially in the rainy season. She added that: Many students could not continue at secondary school, because they faced with accommodation and their parents could not support them with accommodation.

Many students, as there is dormitory policy for students, have rent rooms to stay and some of them built own dormitory; it is made up of bamboo and palm leaf with very poor living environment.  Living in such situation will absolutely impacts their study and feeling.

To give girls chance for education and to increase girl enrollment at secondary education; facilitation and support are needed such providing scholarship, bicycle as well as building dormitory.

To provide these facilities and supports will effectively empower female to involve social development.  

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SAMAIN and elder brother, grade 8 student, have to help the family; after school time have to find food at the fields and collect waste material in the village,  and on  Sunday and holiday to find job at neighbour’s homes; this situation strongly Over ten years ago, the governments of 164 counties including Cambodia together with all development partners jointly committed to expanding educational opportunities for all children, youth and adult by 2015.

Cambodia, as 2015 passed, could not achieve this policy; a larger number of school-going age children have been outside school, especially school-going age for secondary education.  There were, due to the education statistic 2016-2017, 1,051,978 school going-age children for lower secondary education and 1,113,919 school going-age children for upper secondary deduction, but only 586, 042 children enrolled at lower secondary  and 279,409 enrolled at upper secondary school. These data clearly denote that there is a challenge in Cambodia education; this challenge because of poverty.


SENG SAMAIN, 14 years old, studies at grade 9; has four siblings and she is number two. SAMAIN’s father passed away and leaving the heavy burden for her mother to take care of the children.  SAMAIN‘s family has no farmland; her family making the daily life by work exchange; it is to borrow rice or money from neighbours and refund by labour.  

impacts their study and feeling. 


SAMAIN and her elder brother, though living in such situation, struggle with their, because they want to get out of poverty.


To ask them what grade that they want to study; they shortly answer that: “It depends on the living situation of my family”.


There is about 85% of Cambodian population live at the rural area, and most of them engage in agriculture with small farmland, which provides poor product; this causes many families live under poverty; poverty is the main obstacle for education.


The effective key to help improving education of Cambodia is to provide education support to poor rural students; education will strongly encourage students to study, increase and retain enrolment at school.  


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Cambodia underwent a domestic war over 30 years, especially during the darkness and nightmare period of culture genocide from 1975-1997; all the national infrastructure and human resources were almost destroyed.

In the 1990s, after the Paris Peace Accord and the UN sponsored election, there were significant changes in the education system, many new schools building were constructed and more material became available through donor funding.

The education system of Cambodia, though, has improved and dramatic changes, but there still many problem in Cambodia education; there is low survival rate at secondary education. The reason of low survival rate of secondary education is poverty.

PHOUNG PHOU is 14 years old, studies at grade 6 at TOUL VIHEAR primary school, which locates at TEUK PHOS district, Kampong Chhnang Province; PHOU like studying mathematic and wishes to be a nurse and works at the clinic in his commune where there are many poor people and have no money for treatment when getting sick.  

PHOUNG PHOU has 9 siblings and he is the 7th son of the family living in a poor cottage where about 10km from school without access road; PHOU’s 4 elder brothers and 2 elder sisters quit their study at primary school due to the hard living situation of the family.  PHOUNG PHOU’s parents are unhealthy, so all children have to work so that to survive the family.  PHOU will graduate primary school this year and continue to Junior high school next academic year; he is a vulnerable student and may quit his study if the living situation becomes harder. 

Majority of Cambodian children living at the rural area from the economically disadvantaged family have to work after school time, Sunday and holiday so that to survive day by day; it is quite deferent from children from the economically advantaged family; they can take relax, visit resort area, access to additional course and get warm  comfort from their family.  Children from the poor family have lack chance for education; they are the vulnerable children to quit their study due to poverty; poverty is the enemy to destroy their future.

To help building bright future for poor Cambodian children is to provide them with education support; to provide education support is to donate them wisdom; it is valuable treasure for human.

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The education system of Cambodia was totally destroyed by the Khmer Rouge regime during 1975-1997. Almost human recourses were killed; schools and education institutions were closed and transformed into prison and warehouse. It was restored in 1997 with lack of resources, human and material.

In the 1990s, after the Paris Peace Accord and the UN sponsored election, there were significant changes in the education system, many new schools building were constructed and more material became available through donor funding. While the funding for education has improved and dramatic changes are underway, but there still many enormous problem with education service delivery, a large gab in education quality between urban and rural or remote schools; there is low enrolment and high dropout rate at secondary education at the rural area. The reason of this is because of poverty and social factor.     

BUN THEIT is 13 years old, studies at grade 6 at ROKATONG primary school, which locates at TEUK PHOS district, Kampong Chhnang Province. THEIT is a clever student; he is 6 among 25 students in his class; THEI likes studying mathematic and wishes to be a teacher of primary school.  

BUN THEIT in a single son of his family; his parents divorced few years ago;  THEI at present lives with his father who has suffered serious tuberculosis that cannot do any job; both father and son have lived in the ruin house and have been fed by relatives and neighbors.

BUN THEIT will graduate primary education this year and will continue secondary education in next academic year. What will happen to this poor boy as his unhealthy father cannot do anything? THEIT is vulnerable boy who will quit study because of his family’s living situation; he need encouragement and support for his study and living.

People living at the rural have narrow access to find job at their community, except farming; they, after harvesting, have to migrate to the urban area or city to find job and leaving children alone at home. Majority rural people are vulnerable to be poor if the member of the family get sick or accident; it is like BUN THEIT‘s family as the evident.

Majority of Cambodian children living at the rural area from the economically disadvantaged family have to work after school time, Sunday and holiday so that to survive day by day; it is quite deferent from children from the economically advantaged family; they can take relax, visit resort area, access to additional course and get warm  comfort from their family. Children from the poor family have lack chance for education; they are the vulnerable children to quit their study due to poverty; poverty is the enemy to destroy their future.

To help building bright future for poor Cambodian children is to provide them with education support; to provide education support is to donate them wisdom; it is valuable treasure for human.

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Education is free in Cambodia, the state provides many elements of education, but the burden still falls on parents or guardians to provide a large amount of the costs associated with accessing education such as start up cost, daily cost, school fee as well as additional cost.

This matter is one of the reasons to cause many children at rural area have lack of change to continue their study, because a majority of Cambodian population live  rural area and engage in agriculture basing on natural condition, thus they have faced with poor living situation and causing children to quit study to help family. 

CHEON YIN is 16 years old, studies at grade 6 at TOUL VIHEAR primary school, which locates at TEUK PHOS district, Kampong Chhnang Province. YIN is a clever student who is 3 among 37 students in her class; she wishes to be a teacher of primary school.  

CHEON YIN has five siblings and she is the third daughter of the family living in a cottage where about 10km from school without access road. YIN’s elder sister quit her study at grade 7 and elder brother quit his study at grade 6, because of family’s poor living situation. YIN will graduate primary education this year and will continue to junior high school next academic year; she may face with the situation as her elder sister and brother if the situation of her family becomes harder; she is a vulnerable children to quit her study if there is no support.  

Majority of Cambodian children living at the rural area from the economically disadvantaged family have to work after school time, Sunday and holiday so that to survive day by day; it is quite deferent from children from the economically advantaged family; they can take relax, visit resort area, access to additional course and get warm  comfort from their family. Children from the poor family have lack chance for education; they are the vulnerable children to quit their study due to poverty; poverty is the enemy to destroy their future.

To help building bright future for poor Cambodian children is to provide them with education support; to provide education support is to donate them wisdom; it is valuable treasure for human.

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Every citizen has right to access education at least 9 years in public schools with free of charge, but however, there is a far gap between the children from economically advantaged family and children from the economically disadvantaged family.

Children from the economically advantaged family get high quality of education with high degree, but children from the economically disadvantaged family have lack chance for education. Education is free in Cambodia, but the burden still falls on parents to provide large amount of the costs associated with accessing education such as start up cost, daily cost, school fee as well as additional cost. This matter is one of the reasons to cause many children from the economically families drop out school.

MEAKH SREY MAO is 14 years old, studies at grade 7 at KOH ANDEAT Lower Secondary School, which locates at KOH ANDEAT district, TAKEO Province. SREY MAO likes studying Khmer language and wishes to become a teacher of primary school.

SREY MAO has three siblings and she is the youngest daughter whose mother passed away few years ago leaving three children living with the unhealthy father who has suffered serious liver disease without proper treatment due to poverty. SREY MAO’s siblings, due to poverty, have lived separately; eldest brother is 18 years old, student at grade 10 has been taken care of by uncle; second elder brother is 17 year old quit his study at grade 5 and has left home to find job as worker at urban area; and SREY MAO has lived with unhealthy father who have been fed by neighbors.  

MEAK SREY MAO is a vulnerable girl who will quit her study if the living situation of her family becomes harder and without encouragement and support from the community or charitable people; she really need education support.

Majority of Cambodian children living at the rural area from the economically disadvantaged family have to work after school time, Sunday and holiday so that to survive day by day; it is quite deferent from children from the economically advantaged family; they can take relax, visit resort area, access to additional course and get warm  comfort from their family.  Children from the poor family have lack chance for education; they are the vulnerable children to quit their study due to poverty; poverty is the enemy to destroy their future.
To help building bright future for poor Cambodian children is to provide them with education support; to provide education support is to donate them wisdom; it is valuable treasure for human.

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